Aguirre New Sects [NNA026]

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Release Date: March 15, 2011


1. Dick’s Sheep (1:03)
2. Der Armstab (3:22)
3. Lonely Mask (5:46)
4. Scene Sister (5:53)
5. Overseed (9:29)
6. Mark D (1:55)
7. March of the House God (2:01)
8. New Sects (3:08)
9. Bit Guilt (9:08)
10. Clean Clock (3:53)
11. Rams Flut (1:18)
12. Layphi (5:52)

Aguirre is the duo of Elon Katz and Gryphon Myers creating extra-terrestrial club music by combining frenetic mutant electronics with shape-shifting beat avalanches. “New Sects” is equal parts swirling and chaotic synth debris, 90’s style IDM throwback, and hard-hitting electro pulse dance action. Twelve tracks of varying styles, tempos, and moods sprawl across this full-length cassette.